Monday, March 27, 2006

What I want to remember about my hedgehogs

Sophie: She'd splat out in her tube with her pink little tail sticking out. She first did that when we were listening to Turkish Pop music. She had the cutest little butt! I'll always remember how her ruby eyes looked at me so wisely when she was resting. She also loved to bite my toes when we had nap time together. Little stinker! She really bit me hard a number of times, but really, each time I knew she was sending me a VERY CLEAR message, not trying to be mean. I'll never forget the time very shortly after she came to live with me when I awoke to the sound of the screen lid of her aquarium slamming shut over and over again. She was standing on top of her hidey-house flipping up the lid with her nose! She could scale the walls of her ferret cage, which amazed me. She also looooved to run in her ruby-colored ball. She'd zoom all over the house, bumping into door frames, furniture, fighting to get over cords in the livingroom. I always had to do clean-up duty when she was done, but it was so great to be able to let her run around like that.

Yoda: He sticks his tongue waaaay out and then opens his mouth waaay wide when he yawns, which is fairly often. He likes to sniff my nose, give me snuffly kisses and reach out his paw to me when I say hi. He also enjoys snuggling up on my chest, most reciently in a hammoc-like scarf draped around my neck. I like having him near to me when I study; he's very calming and comforting when I'm working on yucky stuff like writing a paper for Constitutional Law II with Klug. He loves to splat out when I rub his back, and loves the attention.

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